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Registration and Log In

  1. How do I get/install TallyEdge?
    Ans: TallyEdge is a web-based application. Click here to go to TallyEdge, and refer to Register.
  2. Can I install the TallyEdge application on my laptop?/ Is there any desktop application for TallyEdge?
    Ans: TallyEdge is a web-based application. Click here to go to TallyEdge.
  3. How do I login/register/Log out?
    Ans: Refer to the Register to register/login/logout.
  4. What is VUA?
    Ans: Virtual User Address (VUA) is a unique identification for your TallyEdge account.
  5. Can I have multiple VUAs for the same mobile number?
    Ans: Yes, you can have multiple VUAs for the same mobile number. Refer to the Register as Individual and Business user with the same mobile number section of Register.
  6. Can I update/delete my VUA handle?
    Ans: As VUA is the unique identification of your TallyEdge account, you can't update your VUA handle.
    But you can delete your VUA handle. Once you delete your VUA, consents will be rejected, revoked, and linked accounts will be unlinked. To know more, refer to the Delete VUA section of Profile Management.
  7. Is my financial data safe on TallyEdge? How is it secured?
    Ans: TallyEdge share end-to-end encrypted data from FIP to FIU. TallyEdge will not save any of your financial information.
  8. Are you storing my financial data on TallyEdge?
    Ans: TallyEdge will not save any of your financial information. TallyEdge share end-to-end encrypted data from FIP to FIU.
  9. Is there one-time/recurring payment for using TallyEdge? Is it applicable for Individual accounts? Is it a annual subscription or payment for each cases?
    Ans: Currently we are not charging the users of TallyEdge application. In future if there are any changes in the decision we may inform accordingly.
  10. Can I use my AADHAR/GST/PAN/UAN/Passport no. to register on TallyEdge?
    Ans: You need to provide your mobile number and e-mail ID to register on TallyEdge. Your AADHAR/GST/PAN/UAN/Passport no. or any other such information is not required to register on TallyEdge.
  11. Can I use the same VUA for mobile and web?
    Ans: Yes, you can also view the updated details if you are switching from web to mobile or vice-versa.
  12. Are the facilities on the mobile and web same?
    Ans: Most of the facilities are the same except the Create Consent feature. You can create the consent request on web, and to view or download the report, you have to log in to mobile application.
  13. Instead of OTP, can I use my fingerprint?
    Ans: TallyEdge supports only One-Time Password (OTP).
  14. Will my TallyEdge account be disabled if I am not using it for many days?
    Ans: No
  15. Is there any Customer Relationship Number for TallyEdge? Will there be a relationship manager?
    Ans:  There is no Customer Relationship Number for TallyEdge. VUA is a unique identity of your TallyEdge account.


  1. How do I approve/reject a consent request?
    Ans: Refer to the Approve or Reject Pending Consents section of Consents.
  2. How to check if Financial Institution has raised a consent request?
    Ans: On TallyEdge, click Pending tab.

  3. How to view the linked accounts?
    Ans: Refer to the Add Account section of Accounts.
  4. How to unlink an account?
    Ans: Refer to the Unlink Account section of Accounts.
  5. How to revoke a consent?
    Ans: Refer to the Revoke or Pause Active Consents and Resume Paused Consents section of Consents.
  6. How to archive a consent?
    Ans: Once the consent is expired or revoked, the consent will be moved under the Archive tab. To know more, refer to the View Details of Archived Consents section of Consents.
  7. How to pause/resume the consent?
    Ans: Refer to the Revoke or Pause Active Consents and Resume Paused Consents section of Consents.
  8.  How to raise consent request from TallyEdge?
    Ans: Refer to the Create Consents section of Consents.
  9. How to find the expired consents/consent requests?
    Ans: When the consent is expired, click Archive tab. If you rejected the consent within the active time period, the consent will be marked as rejected, and you will also find the consent under Archive tab.
    To find the consent requests, click Pending tab.
  10. How to activate an expired consent/consent request?
    Ans: Once the consent/consent request is expired, you can't activate those.
  11. How to view the details of an approved consent?
    Ans: To view the details of a consent,
    1. Select ConsentsActive.
    2. Click View Details on the approved consent.
    3. Click View Consent to view the details of the consent request.
  12. What if I close the source Bank account while the consent is active?
    Ans: The active consent will be revoked.
  13. I want to grant access to two of my accounts, does this require two or one consent request?
    Ans: You can add multiple accounts for one consent request. To know more, refer to the
  14. Add Account section of Accounts.
  15. Can I give the remarks in TallyEdge application on rejecting or revoking the consent?
    Ans: You can't provide any remarks on the application. However, you can view the activities under the Activity Log. Refer to the Activity Log.
  16. Is it possible to share the statement and other reports through WhatsApp or email?
    Ans: No, it is not possible as of now.


  1. How to add/link accounts?
    Ans: Refer to the Add Account section of Accounts.
  2. How to discover accounts using a different mobile number?
    Ans: Refer to the Add Accounts with a new mobile number section of Accounts.
  3. Can I link a closed bank account?
    Ans: No, as the bank account is closed.
  4. Can I link a joint account with my parents/spouse?
    Ans:  Need to understand this question
  5. Can I view all my linked accounts' financial data in TallyEdge?
    Ans: Yes, you can. To view the financial data, you have to Create Consent on TallyEdge on TallyEdge Web. Refer to the Consents section. Once the consent is approved, log in to your TallyEdge mobile application > Fetch Data > Open Report.
  6. How to add my Folio Number, Demat ID?
    Ans: Refer to Add mutual fund, equity, GSTR, and NPS accounts section.
  7. Is it possible to fetch my mutual fund without PAN?
    Ans: No, PAN is mandatory to fetch your Folio Number.
  8. Is it possible to fetch my insurance policy number without mentioning my Date of Birth?
    Ans: No, Date of Birth is mandatory to fetch your Policy Number. Refer to Add insurance policy section.

User Management

  1. What are the different types of users I can create on TallyEdge?
    Ans: In TallyEdge, the users are two types.
    • Admin: The administrator has all the access rights to the TallyEdge application.
    • Standard user: Standard users have those specific access rights that they need, such as Create ConsentDiscover and Link Accounts, and so on.
  2. Can I add another user to an individual account?
    Ans: Yes, you can add another user under an individual VUA account. Refer to the User Management section.
  3. How to add/edit/remove an user to a Business account?
    Ans: Refer to the User Management section.
  4. How to use multiple VUA accounts in a single device/different devices?
    Ans: You can use multiple VUA accounts on a single device and also be able to use one particular VUA on another device. 
  5. Can I add multiple mobile numbers for Individual/Business accounts?
    Ans: To add multiple mobile numbers, you have to create users for the Individual or Business account. Refer to the User Management section.
  6. Can I add/edit/remove a mobile number for Individual/Business accounts?
    Ans: Yes, you can. Refer to the Profile Management section.
  7. Can I use the same mobile number for Individual and Business account?
    Ans: Yes, but the VUA will be different for both Individual and Business accounts.
  8. In a business account, can I provide different type of access for different users?
    Ans: Yes, you can provide different type of access as per your requirement. Refer to the Add Users to VUA on Profile Management section.
  9. What are the types of users available on a Business account?
    Ans: In TallyEdge, the users are two types.
    • Admin: The administrator has all the access rights to the TallyEdge application.
    • Standard user: Standard users have those specific access rights that they need, such as Create ConsentDiscover and Link Accounts, and so on.
  10. How to update my profile?
    Ans: Refer to the Profile Management section.
  11. When/why should i update my Profile details?
    Ans: If you have changed your mobile number or e-mail ID, then you have to update your Profile details to continue using of TallyEdge.
  12. Is e-mail verification necessary/mandatory? 
    Ans: It is not mandatory. We recommend verifying your e-mail ID. 
  13. Can I recreate the VUA after deleting it?
    Ans: No, you need to create your VUA profile again.
  14. Is it possible to change the mobile number and email ID in the profile? 
    Ans: Yes, refer to the Profile Management section.

Activity Log

  1. How do I know that the data flow is happening smoothly? (Is there a data flow log available? If yes, how will I access to the logs?)
    Ans: On TallyEdge, click Activity Log. You will get all the activities performed from your VUA. To know more, refer to the Activity Log section.

Profile Management

  1. Can I update mobile number and e-mail ID?
    Ans: Yes, refer to the Edit Personal Information section on Profile Management.
  2. How to delete a VUA?
    Ans: Refer to the Delete VUA section on Profile Management.
  3. If I lost my mobile number, how to recover my TallyEdge profile?
    Ans: It is possible to retrieve your TallyEdge profile if you verified your e-mail ID during the TallyEdge registration process. Failure to verify your e-mail ID will make it impossible to recover your TallyEdge profile. Let's assume that you verified your e-mail ID during registration process. Refer to Recover Your Profile.
  4. I missed to verified my e-mail ID while registered. How to recover my TallyEdge account?
    Ans: We recommend you to verify your e-mail ID during registration process. Failure to verify your e-mail ID will make it impossible to recover your TallyEdge profile. Refer to Recover Your Profile.
    We suggest you to create a new TallyEdge account. Refer to Registration and Log In..
  5. I have registered my e-mail ID during registration but getting the error [email protected] is registered but not verified. How to recover my TallyEdge profile?
    Ans: We recommend you to verify your e-mail ID during registration process on step 3 of Register as Individual user and Link Accounts and Register as Business user and Link Accounts. Your e-mail ID is registered but not verified. Hence, you will not be able to recover your TallyEdge profile.
    We suggest you to create a new TallyEdge profile. Refer to Registration and Log In.


  1. Can I see the reports in the TallyEdge web application?
    Ans: No, as of now the reports are available only on mobile application. 
  2. Can I see the Profile and Transactional data before sharing it with FIU?
    Ans: No, the Profile and Transactional data will be directly shared with the FIU.
  3. How to fetch and download the data for self-consent?
    Ans: Refer to the View and Share Reports section on Consents.
  4. How to create a consent for fetching GST data ?
    Ans: To create the consent for fetching GST data:
    1. Consent Type - Select Transaction Statements or Custom (Profile and Transaction)
    2. Type of Data  - Profile and Transaction 
    3. Type of Information - Select the required type of information. If you want to fetch only GSTR data then we would suggest you to select GSTR1_3B.
    4. Transaction period -  To fetch the GSTR data, we would suggest you to provide the date for the complete return period as per the filling frequency, e.g. if the filling frequency is monthly specify the complete month in From and To date, if it is quarterly then specify the complete quarter period in From and To date. 
    5. Data Fetch Type and Frequency -  There are two types of data fetch i.e. Once or Periodic. On selecting Periodic, the data fetch frequency has to be aligned to the return filing frequency of the taxpayer. 
    6. Specify the other details in the consent such as Consent start date and end date, Consent name and approve the consent by linking the respective accounts. 
  5. What are the formats supported for sharing the fetched data ?
    Ans: The supported formats are PDF, Excel, and XML.
  6. After placing the data request, how long the fetched data will be maintained in TallyEdge application?
    • After placing the data request, when the data is available for viewing, TallyEdge will notify on the registered mobile number and you need to view the data within 6 hours, if not the data will be deleted and it will not be available to view. 
    • On viewing the data, you can share the data if required for future reference, since the the data once viewed will be available only till the session is valid.
  7. Can I share the data to my personal email ID?
    Ans: Yes, refer to the View and Share Reports section on Consents.
  8. While Placing 'New Data Request', in Transaction period  the from and to date is prefilled, is it possible to change the date?
    Ans: Yes, you can change the date, however the date provided in the From and To date should be within the transaction From and To date provided in the consent. 
  9. How will I know if the data is received or not in TallyEdge ?
    Ans: After placing the data request, when the data is available for viewing, TallyEdge will notify on the registered mobile number.
  10. How do I know the status of the my data request?
    Ans: Refer to the View Data Flow History section on Consents.
  11. Can I delete the requested data from which the session is expired?
    Ans: Yes. On Reports, tap delete icon for the report.
  12. What GST information is made available through AA?

    • GSTR 1 (Table 4): Monthly or quarterly statement of all Outward Supplies to be furnished by all registered taxpayers.
    • GSTR 3B: Monthly or quarterly Self-declared summary GST Returns.
    • Basic Profile Details, which include address, Legal name of the entity, and PAN, among other details.
  13. What are the Identifiers used in the Discovery of GSTINs?
    Ans: The AA will need to send two identifiers: The mobile number of the Primary Authorised Signatory and the PAN of the GST Taxpayer to GSTN to discover all active GSTINs registered with the combination of these identifiers.

  14. How long will it take to get the data?
    Ans: As per the RBI Master Directions, all reports are to be generated in real time, however, there may be a slight delay depending on the response time of the requested banks.
  15. How can I stop sharing the data with the FIU?
    Ans: To stop data sharing, you have to revoke the consent. Refer to the Revoke or Pause Active Consents and Resume Paused Consents section on Consents.



  1. Can i see CIBIL rating in TallyEdge?
    Ans: No, you can't view your CIBIL score.
  2. I have entered the wrong OTP multiple times and unable to login to the account, let me know how to login.
    Ans: A 6 digit code will be sent to your registered mobile number. Enter the 6 digit code and click Register.
            Note: If you have not received the 6 digit code to unlock the account, wait for 30 minutes from the time it was locked. Your TallyEdge account will be unlocked automatically. 


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A trusted, RBI licensed Account Aggregation platform that empowers you to share your financial information securely and with your consent.

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AMR Tech Park II, No.23 & 24, Hongasandra,
Hosur Main Road, Bangalore 560 068, India.
Customer support: [email protected]
Business enquiries: [email protected]

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